Shadow Yoga with Rebecca Barlow
Shadow Yoga is the application of traditional Hatha Yoga based on the teachings of Sundernath (Shandor Remete), an initiate of the Goraksha Sampradaya of the Kanpatha Yogis, and Emma Balnaves. The practice builds strength, stamina, and flexibility, and enhances bodily functions such as circulation, digestion, and respiration. But its true value lies beyond physical conditioning. Rhythmic movements and unforced positioning of the body help cultivate an open and responsive mind, allowing the individual to critically observe and review habits, behaviours, thought patterns, likes and dislikes. The body is used as a practical tool to turn one’s attention inward.
Like other traditional forms such as martial arts and dance, Shadow Yoga is taught in a course-based format. The teaching is deliberate and sequential, allowing students to build progressively on independent application. Fixed forms, or Vyayama (restraining drills), provide the foundation for the eventual development of freestyle, where the practice is guided by feeling and intuition. In this sense, Shadow Yoga is a truly empowering practice that encourages each person to find their own 'teacher' within. To see Shadow Yoga in action visit the official Shadow Yoga YouTube Channel.
Apsara Yoga Shala is owned and operated by Rebecca Barlow. Rebecca has been practising Shadow Yoga since 2006. She completed a five-year teaching apprenticeship under the tuition of Louise Goodvach (registered Senior Teacher with Yoga Australia) at Yoga Moves, Melbourne (2008 - 2013), where she taught classes ranging from beginner to advanced levels for nine years from 2009 to 2018. She continues to work under the direct guidance of Shandor Remete and Emma Balnaves, founders of Shadow Yoga and Nrtta Sadhana.
Rebecca has studied Anatomy and Physiology with Eastwest College and has a certificate in Use of Specific Health Terminology to Communicate Effectively from Shiatsu Australia Educational Services (2009). She has a special interest in women’s health and in 2019-2020 undertook further studies in Pre- and Postnatal Yoga, Pre- and Postnatal Anatomy & Physiology, and Pelvic Floor Anatomy & Physiology for Women’s Health with Bliss Baby Yoga (all courses registered with Yoga Australia).
Rebecca holds a PhD in International Relations (Monash University, 2009). She has a background in dance and dramatic arts, and studied advanced levels of Speech & Drama with Trinity College London and the Australian Music Examinations Board (A.M.E.B.). Rebecca is a registered member of Yoga Australia. She holds a Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) check and First Aid certification.
2022 Class Times:
Foundations / Refresher Course: Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th January 11.30am-1pm
Saturday Full Practice: 3-week course 5th, 12th & 19th Feb 11.30-1.00pm